Purpose of this blog

Good to see you!

Hi, I’m Suwan(shwan) Yoon.
I’m a undergraduate student at the department of AI, CAU(Chung-ang University, korea).
Currently, I’m working on the project with the Actionable Intelligence Lab(Korea University, korea).
My research interests are Time Series Analysis, Healthcare AI, and Foundation AI models.
I’m really thrilled to meet you in my personal blog!

As you can suppose, I’m korean! (100%)
And, it is hard to express or visualize my idea and thought in English.
So, I’m going to write my blog in English to improve my english skill.
I hope you understand my awkward English with huge love!
If you found any mistakes or awkward expressions, please let me know! (via Email - Personal Mail)

That was my main purpose of this blog.
Additionally, I’m going to write about my hobby, daily life and article about AI.
Sometimes, I will share my news about my project and research.
I hope you enjoy my blog and have a good day!